1. instruction

    n.a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it

  2. routine

    n.Computer Science. A set of programming instructions designed to perform a specific limited task.

  3. program

    n.Computer Science. a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute

  4. subroutine

    n. Computer Science

    A set of instructions that performs a specific task for a main routine, requiring direction back to the proper place in the main routine on completion of the task.

  5. subprogram

    n.A computer program contained within another program that operates semi-independently of the encasing program.

  6. procedure

    n.Computer Science. A set of instructions that performs a specific task; a subroutine or function.

  7. function

    n.Computer Science. A procedure within an application.




A set of programming instructions


A sequence of instructions

更为关键的是program是一系列计算机能够执行的指令,而routine是设计好的一系列程序指令(可以模糊的理解为用户发出的命令),也就是说从routine到program还有一个层级的差异。换句话讲,一个计算机应用程序,用户在操作时发出一系列命令,主程序接收用户的命令后,然后调用应用程序对应的功能模块,而功能模块也就是事先设计好的子程序(subroutine)(用“功能模块”来描述有些牵强),当对应的功能模块接收到命令后,然后继续调用相应的subprogram,向其发出一系列指令(programming instruction),subprogram接收到指令后,在调用相应的函数(function)最终解释执行为A sequence of instructions 。这一过程的路线图为:

Person ---> Application ---> Subroutine ---> SubProgram --->  Function --->Instruction --->Computer

